Thursday, March 24, 2011


A little girl once told me,
that "was" is the most beautiful word
in the English language.
She said that "was" means
that something was different now,
that something changed.
And that when something changes
it's always for the best,
because God doesn't work backwards.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I am Prideful

I will serve myself before you,
because I am hungry.
I am going to speak over you
and I am going to be heard.
I will have the last say
as well as the first.
I am going to get mine.
Your feelings will not cross my mind
and if they do, I just don't care.
I am clinical, surgical, and ruthless.
I am a natural;
I was born ready for this.
I will serve myself before you,
because I am hungry.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Inman Perk Cafe

She put the cup to her lips
to cover her face.
"There's no comfort in knowing someone else
is dealing with depression.
The small things give it away:
The heavier subtle smell of smoke,
the stronger coffee for that extra perk,
opening the blinds to let that extra bit of light in.
And it's not a 'now I know I'm not alone,' thing
it's a 'I'm sorry that you understand.'"

She put the Earl Grey with cream and sugar down.
"You know when people tell you
to always find the best? In everything?
Take something you hate and find the good parts?
There's not a good part to depression.
There's nothing to not hate.
Not even when it's better."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shiny new things.

I finally finally finally got a new notebook. And it feels glorious to write in.

Here's to having one less excuse, and fighting the belief that with losing my last notebook I lost 6 months of ideas and inspirations,