To the girl who loves somebody else:
He'll be ok.
One day he'll stop haunting your thoughts
then your heart
then you.
One day Love will find him again
and then maybe one day he'll find love.
One day he'll wake up unenthusiastically
like every other day and realize
that his Lucky Charms taste good again.
He'll remember that the Shamrocks are his favorite,
and how good of a song Black Water is
on his bike ride to school.
One day he'll realize he doesn't remember
the middle 3 digits of your phone number,
which Kanye song you didn't like,
or which side your hair fell to
when you leaned over him.
He won't be able to remember the new perfume
you got at Christmas or the shivers he got
when you kissed his neck.
He'll finally write and he'll enjoy his porch swing again.
He'll read about Joseph,
and he'll wonder what he can feed Egypt
or who he sold to slavery along the way.
He'll fall asleep without pain killers
and won't remember your middle name
just as you can't remember his.